UndergroundThriller24: Credit Union Icons Travel Abroad to Make an Impact Here at Home...

UndergroundThriller24: Credit Union Icons Travel Abroad to Make an Impact Here at Home...
Renée Sattiewhite, President /CEO at AACUC, and Maria Martinez, President/CEO at Border Federal Credit Union, joined us in the Studio Lounge to share highlights and insights from their respective Underground Collision Thriller sessions: "Leadership in Today's World" and "Making an Impact."
In particular, Renée talked about her recent trip to Kenya to attend an ACCOSCA Conference and what she experienced and learned there. Maria also ventured outside the US, traveling to Columbia to visit credit unions there and discovering how far ahead in some cases their credit unions were compared to domestic credit unions. Both Renée and Maria proved that having a global view of the industry can make a world of difference here at home.
Check it out and let us know your thoughts.
Original post available here.
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Related Links : https://www.cubroadcast.com/episodes/undergroundthriller24-credit-union-icons-travel-abroad-to-make-an-impact-here-at-home
Source : CUbroadcast