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Mrs. Ericka Young

Financial wellness expert trainer and coach

Mrs. Ericka Young


Ericka Young is a financial coach, author, and educator.  Not only did she and her husband Chris climb out of $90,000 in debt themselves, but she founded Tailor-Made Budgets and has been coaching families to their own debt-freedom for over 18 years.  Her real and personal style have led her clients to pay off millions in debt.

Her book, Naked and Unashamed: 10 Money Conversations Every Couple Must Have released in 2017 and continues to teach couples how to get honest about where they are financially and real about how to tackle it as a team. In January 2023, Ericka and Chris launched their podcast For Better and Worth where they don’t believe you have to sacrifice your relationship while you grow your net worth.

Ericka teaches that our money past doesn’t need to hold us back, we must face our present state, and our money future is full of potential.  Today she delivers this message through workplace financial wellness programs for employees.  In addition, she trains other financial coaches in these concepts to help their own clients achieve results quickly and sustainably.

Ericka is a recent empty nester (her 2 daughters think she’s enjoying this too much!) who spends her time traveling the world with her husband of 25 years, bingeing Audible books, and dancing on any stage she can find.

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